SMASH is an enigmatic smashing together of pop, classical and jazz performed by pianist KaJeng Wong, harmonica player CY Leo and saxophonist Timothy Sun. The trio reshapes audiences’ perceptions of famous tunes across eras and genres. Combining all-time classics and original compositions, SMASH is a rethinking of music boundaries.
《SMASH》帶來最激情火熱 的眾聲齊樂!孫穎麟的色士風、何卓彥 的口琴,加上黃家正的鋼琴,聯手演奏 結合流行、古典及爵士的經典歌曲及原 創音樂,破格編曲粉碎刻板框框,迸發 無可抵擋的跨界能量!
Once documented in the film “KJ Music and Life”, KJ is now a pianist, a music teacher, an artistic director, an art critic, a columnist and a person.
Studied the piano with Nancy Loo, Gabriel Kwok and Emile Naoumoff, he also learned the violin with Yang BaoZhi, Michael Ma and Ho HungYing. Graduated from Indiana University, he primarily focuses on practicing, teaching and performing. After two years of various experiments, KJ now leads the Music Lab Festival, turning a new chapter for himself and local musicians.
那些年的KJ曾在記錄片《KJ音樂人生》出現。 今天的KJ是一名小鋼琴家,小老師,小藝術總監,小藝評,小專攔作家和小人類。師從羅乃新,郭嘉特和埃米爾.拿奧莫夫老師。他亦曾跟隨楊寶智、馬忠為及何紅英學習小提琴。在印地安那大學雅各斯音學院畢業回港發展音樂事業,專注練習,教學,演出。試驗兩年後開始舉辦《本地薑音樂節》,展開新的一頁。
Timothy Sun
Timothy Sun began his music studies at the age of 7. He studied the saxophone and clarinet with Mr. George Galway at the Ellen Wilkinson High School of Art in England since 1997, and in 2001 became the first Chinese saxophone and clarinet student of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama under a full scholarship for his Bachelor’s degree, where his principal teachers were the world-renowned saxophonists John Harle and Christian Forshaw. He had also worked with clarinettist Julian Farrell and flautist Glen Martin and in 2006 completed his Master’s degree under a school scholarship and received the highest score in final recital.
In recent seasons, Sun has appeared in more than 100 recitals and orchestral concerts in Asia and Europe. He performed as a soloist with Macau Chinese Orchestra, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra, Guiyang Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong Festival Orchestra, Symphonic Cordiality, New Music Ensemble, Citywinds Ensemble, Hong Kong Young Musicians Wind Orchestra, Hong Kong Wind Symphony, PanAsia Symphony Orchestra, Belilios Winds, SIU2, Macau Youth Orchestra and the Macau Youth Symphonic band. He has been interviewed by the South China Morning Post UK Chinese Times, Macao Daily, Milk, Mr, Esquire, Pmagazine, TVB, and the RTHK Radio 4, which broadcasted his live performance.
Timothy Sun is one of the artists of the “Buffet Group” and “Vandoren Paris” He is currently saxophone lecturer coach at the Macau Conservatory.