
Angel & Demon

Angel & Demon




About Angel & Demon

Angel and Demon is the first original instrumental album of CY Leo. The compositions are influenced by varies musical genre including classical, jazz, and rock music. This album is also a by-product of the social instability of Hong Kong in 2019. It includes composition that reflect and conceal the emotion and perception of a musician towards the largest social unrest of Hong Kong in history.

Leo 創作的《Angel and Demon》,是他首張原創大碟,過去社會動盪的局面成為他的靈感泉源,他期望以音樂家的身份,呼應 2019 年社會所發生的種種事件,記錄屬於我們的時代,象徵我城的吶喊。無論是技術或者曲風上的突破,這張專輯印證着 Leo 的個人蛻變和社會變遷。專輯中有幾首作品均以香港為出發點,例如Home、Corona Attack、Angel and Demon 等,樂曲悲喜交錯,這是他 對香港、對家園的個人演繹,創作意念取材於香港一年來的道德議題,當中凡事都留 有灰色地帶,沒有非黑即白的絕對答案。每個人體內都孕育著一個魔鬼和天使,孰是 孰非呢?